About Me

Hi, I'm Stacey and I am Ocean View Photography :) 

​I love meeting people and being involved in something special with you! Being a 1st birthday with a cake smash, newborn photos, or the excitement of a maternity and seeing everyone again at family photos time! 

Now myself a busy mum of a 6 year old & a 4 year old I feel as if I can see even more in photography, the type of things I’d love to have as a mum if it was my shoot, may family in front of the camera.

​I have been doing photography in the Warrnambool and surrounding areas for (well) over 15 years now - and I still love every moment of it!

While poses and smiles are nice and great keep sakes I do like to mix it up and have fun on the session!

​So you do get a mix of both with me!

I’m thrilled to be offering a high quality service to many who come through the door - or meet in my outside office! 

There's not too many who can say they sincerely love their job - however I’m one of the lucky ones!

I love people, kids & animals and - I love photography, very much a great combination!

Weddings are a blast, and I've often hidden my tears of joy for you behind the camera (there's something special about weddings lol!).

I'm affordable and wiling to travel, I offer payment plans and gift vouchers.

It’s something to say “I love what I do”, but I really do!

I've always had a camera in my hand - even when I was younger - I often hope my girls are as interested in photography like I was as a kid...

I dabbled in photography all through high school with film photography, and with a film camera 

a few years after I finished school.

Then I went on then to seek further education in photography & design as I never really put a camera down!

​Completing my Certificate 4 in Multimedia and Design.

Knowing there was more to learn, I went on to get my advance diploma in the fine arts,

where my love of portraits really took off!

I enjoyed learning but couldn't do the full time sit-in-a-classroom again, so I took on an online course 

and ​received my advanced diploma in Photo Imaging!

Photos shown of me & my family

were taken by Jodie From Knelly Photos

and is not affiliated with Ocean View Photography